The Fluid Society

Overpopulation: the real problem

There are too many people. Many of us are working hard on the big problems the world is struggling with: climate problems, sustainability, biodiversity, migration problems. However, the dominant cause of all these problems is the – too often forgotten – fact that there are far too many human beings in this world. And we can… Continue reading Overpopulation: the real problem

Digital Utilities

There has been a long-standing discussion about the position of the Tech Giants, the social media they have brought to the market, the Apps and what it all entails. On the one hand, many governments in particular are of the opinion that the power of these companies is gradually becoming too great. So there is… Continue reading Digital Utilities

Stop “we-they” thinking

The world has been groaning under a group of authoritarian leaders such as Trump, Putin, Xi, Erdogan, Orban, Bolsanaro, with the result that no progress is being made in the transition to a more sustainable and just world. It is no coincidence that these old-school leaders are all men and democratically elected, except Xi. They represent… Continue reading Stop “we-they” thinking

Digital debacle at ING illustrates the risk of lack of IT knowledge at board level

It was with interest and amazement that I read about ING Group’s debacle with the Unite programme and IT project in Belgium in the article ‘Digital future dream ING top man degenerates into deception’ (FD 13 June). The story resembles yet another international project in which IT is used as a crowbar to force organisations… Continue reading Digital debacle at ING illustrates the risk of lack of IT knowledge at board level

Everyone a smartphone

Suddenly they see the world ! At the moment about 4 billion people on earth have a smartphone with an internet connection. About 3 billion of them are active on social media. What does this mean? All these 4 billion people can see how the others in the world live and work. How they live, what… Continue reading Everyone a smartphone

Intelligent restart

Due to the corona virus, the economy in almost all countries has come to a grinding halt. Politics, even up to and including President Trump, have the first priority to save the population from the surrounding corona virus. Understandable and rightly so. For the shorter term. However, as can be expected, the first reports from… Continue reading Intelligent restart

European Corona App ?

All European countries are looking for a Corona App to contain the corona pandemic and better protect their citizens. Of course, the privacy experts immediately dived into this issue. After all, privacy must be guaranteed under all circumstances, or not? As long as the different countries approach this issue as a national problem, one thing… Continue reading European Corona App ?

Corona exit through competition or more cooperation?

Now that the corona pandemic is widespread, all governments in the world are purchasing medical devices, medicines and equipment. The hallmark of a pandemic is that it is developing exponentially. This means in practice that there was almost immediately a lack of all necessary equipment. So every government went to great lengths to stock up… Continue reading Corona exit through competition or more cooperation?

Corona virus boosts digitization

The Corona virus that grips the world is a typical phenomenon associated with the physical world. The digital world, in which an increasing part of the world economy takes place, has little trouble on the contrary. The Corona virus therefore gives a great boost to the further digitization of society and will also strongly influence… Continue reading Corona virus boosts digitization

Huawei, ASML & Europe

China-USA technology battle. The world is moving up to a real technology battle between China and the US. Both powers understand that economic power depends on technological strength. Both countries are therefore making great efforts to become technologically strong and are now trying to prevent the other party from becoming too strong. The Huawei and ASML… Continue reading Huawei, ASML & Europe