The Fluid Society

Digital Communities ?

Borders? Natural boundaries are clear. If a river cuts through a landscape, you may get different landscapes on either side of the river and partly different ecosystems. Apparently they are two different worlds. But if you observe more closely, you will notice that wind, water, birds, animals, dust and microbes effortlessly cross the river. It is… Continue reading Digital Communities ?

The Nation State: threat for a better world ?

Why are there populists ? Populist movements stand up for the preservation of the sovereign nation-state. These movements fear that sovereignty will flow “abroad” or to international institutes and argue for the preservation of a strong national economy, a unified population and national culture. They also criticize migration and the influx of foreign people in general.… Continue reading The Nation State: threat for a better world ?

Digital Transition Phase

Transition phase. That humanity is in phase transition on its way to a digitalised society (the fluid society) will gradually become clear to everyone. Where that digitised society differs from the current one, however, is another point. The vast majority of people believe that the current basic structure of the world will remain more or less… Continue reading Digital Transition Phase

Contract for the Web

Contract for the web. Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the internet, posted an article in the New York Times on November 24 in which he announced the “Contract for the Web”. His main concern is that the internet, which started very idealistically around 30 years ago, is being abused step by step by criminals, people spreading fake news… Continue reading Contract for the Web

The Digital Black Hole

Governments are losing control. Society is being drawn into the digital world step by step. Digital platforms, cyber criminals, the super rich and dubious regimes increase their power in a world in which the digital economy will soon dominate the classical economy. Due to lagging legislation and national impotence, governments are losing control over digital companies,… Continue reading The Digital Black Hole

Five points of attention for the CIO in uncertain times

In my previous opinion piece I wrote about a number of dilemmas that the current CIO can face, against the background of the political instability caused by the economic confrontations between the US and China. At that time, I offered to give concrete guidance with which the CIO can confidently enter the boardroom. Below five points of… Continue reading Five points of attention for the CIO in uncertain times

Digital Arms Race

Digital Red Button. In the digital society, countries no longer make it difficult for each other with the threat of nuclear weapons. President Trump’s red nuclear button has probably already been replaced by a red button that he can use to digitally force any country to the knees: stopping all communication in a country (telecommunications, internet,… Continue reading Digital Arms Race

What should you do as a CIO with global political instability?

“Don’t become a victim of the populist rear-guard fight“ As a CIO (Chief Information Officer) you will be called into the boardroom where the Board asks you how to deal with the technology war between China and the US! Should your organization, perhaps working worldwide, watch out for Chinese technology because it may have embedded… Continue reading What should you do as a CIO with global political instability?

Digital System Risk

Ethics in the digital age. The digital age that we are entering requires a different approach to ethics than we were used to in the classical world. Now that literally anyone can scold anyone, falsely accuse anyone, spread fake news, produce deep fakes, and no one can do anything about it, a new world is looming.… Continue reading Digital System Risk

One Fluid Society

Tragic Politicians. The tragedy of people like Xi and Trump is that they live and think from the past. They were brought up in the world in which large powerful states determined the economy of the world. And now that they are finally sitting on the plush themselves, they wish to continue this way of thinking… Continue reading One Fluid Society