The Fluid Society

The Fluid Society

I wrote the book called: “de vloeibare samenleving” (english: “the fluid society”). The book is issued in May 2017 in Dutch in the Netherlands and Belgium (   ISBN: 9789492221742   ) and is about the society being disrupted by new technologies and digitalisation. Mankind is going through the biggest transformation since the industrial revolution. It is not only that complete business chains or consumer goods and services are changing. The digitalisation of society makes that millions of people are becoming physical (migration) and digital (acting in the virtual society) mobile. The society becomes fluid ! Borders are blurring, nation states are evaporising, the grip of politicians on what happens in their countries is crumbling. Also the way people think, (re)create, work and live is changing completely in less than some decennia what has the greatest impact on mankind ever. An English translation and update is planned for in 2021

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